3-Year-Old Program
3-Year-Old Program
Our 3-year-old program
By examining the child’s own world, to include: nature, the seasons, community, family, etc., children become more aware of themselves and others around them. The program incorporates science, math, cooking, indoor/outdoor play, and arts and crafts activities.
Social and Emotional Objectives for the 3’s:
- To continue
the process of fostering self-control including: respect for property, behavioral limitations, socially acceptable behaviors and waiting turns. - To continue to develop a positive self-respect and a positive self-image through positive role-modeling.
- To
begin to develop effective work habits whiledemonstrating cooperation. - To reinforce classroom rules, safety concerns, and daily routines.
- To develop communication and problem-solving skills.
- To follow simple one, and two-step directions and work towards developing a longer attention span.
Cognitive and Language Development Objectives for the 3’s:
- To recognize and rote count to 25.
- To recognize and identify primary and secondary colors.
- To recognize and identify basic shapes,
as well as tracing, painting, and making pictures with shapes. - To recognize more complicated shapes.
- To enhance language development with vocabulary and word recognition: story recall, definition of seasonal and holiday words, etc.
- To recognize letters of the alphabet and their sounds.
- To recognize the child’s first name in some form.
- To recognize
one -to-one correspondence (one to ten). - To sort items by amount, size, and color.
- To identify the month,
day of the week, type of weather. - To develop quantitative concepts.
Creative Arts for the 3’s:
Art is used as a springboard to foster creativity and self-control. All activities will support and reflect the theme of the day.- Fine and Gross Motor Skills Objectives for the 3’s:
- Introduction of the use of scissors.
- To trace letter, numbers, and shapes.
- To learn to color in the lines.
- To hold a crayon or pencil and make short and tall lines.
- To develop an awareness of each body part and know what it does or how it works.
- To
utilize a variety of activities to strengthen large and small muscle groups. - To use playground equipment to enhance physical development.
Sun, September 15 2024
12 Elul 5784
Today's Calendar
: 9:00am |
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 6:39pm |
Friday Night Shabbat Services : 8:00pm |
Shabbat Day
Preliminary Prayers : 9:30am |
Shabbat Services : 9:45am |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Sep 15 |
Sep 16 |
Sep 17 |
Sep 17 |
Sep 19 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Ki Tavo
Shabbat, Sep 21 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Sep 20, 6:39pm |
Erev Rosh Hashana
Wednesday, Oct 2 |