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Kitot Aleph-Dalet (Grades 3-6)


The Aleph students begin to learn the Hebrew language and prayers. They are eager to receive their first Siddur at their first class service. They are taught the significance of their Hebrew names and proclaim publicly before family and community, their pride of their Jewish heritage and ancestry.


Ivrit  (Hebrew)                                Shalom Uvracha

Tanach  (Bible)                               A Child’s Bible Book 1

Chagim  (Holidays)                        My Jewish Year

Israel                                              The Great Israel Scavenger Hunt

Prayers (Tefillot)     



The Bet students are taught the Torah-prescribed mode of behavior; “Welcome every person with a pleasant countenance.” (Avos 1:15) They continue their studies of Bible, Israel, holidays and tefillot.


Ivrit  (Hebrew)                                  Alef Bet Quest 

                                                        Journeys through the Siddur Friday Evening

Tanach  (Bible)                                Jewish Values in Genesis

The Jewish People’s Court              You Be the Judge

Chagim  (Holidays)                          The Book of Jewish Holidays

Jewish Values                                  A Kid’s Mensch Handbook

Prayers (Tefillot) 



The Gimel students maintain a high energy level of learning and recognizing that they are the guardians of the future. Lifecycle events are celebrated with families in a communal setting as the students continue to explore their Jewish heritage through customs and traditions.


Ivrit  (Hebrew)                                Journeys through the Siddur Book 2

Life Cycle Events                           Journey of a Lifetime

Jewish Values                                 Count Me In

Israel                                               Welcome to Israel

Chagim (Holidays)                         Jewish Holidays, Jewish Values

Prayers (Tefillot) 



The Dalet student’s curriculum includes ethics, morals and mitzvoth, which are the cornerstones of our Jewish heritage. They also further explore our homeland with an Israeli emissary.


Ivrit  (Hebrew)                               Journeys through the Siddur Book 3

Mitzvot                                          Doing Mitzvot

Ethics                                            Living Jewish Values 

Israel                                             Artzeinu: An Israel Encounter

Fri, December 13 2024 12 Kislev 5785