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Junior Congregation


Junior Congregation services are designed to give our Aleph, Bet, Gimel and Dalet students the opportunity to participate and lead an abbreviated Shabbat Service geared to their level. It is the ideal vehicle to prepare the student for his/her Bar/Bat Mitzvah and is a necessary part of their education. Students will be able to accumulate credits for attending services as they learn and enjoy the process.

Requirements vary for each grade level and will be more extensive as students advance. Credits can also be obtained through attending Friday or Saturday services, bar/bat mitzvahs, and holiday services at PBJC and other synagogues.

We are glad to be holding Junior Congregation services in the PBJC building; students will be interacting with Morah Sherri and leading a good part of the service!

Requirements for attendance - each service equals 1 credit:

Aleph students (3rd grade) - 5

Bet students (4th grade) - 6

Gimel students (5th grade) – 7

Dalet students (6th grade) - 8


In order to ensure students receive credit for attending services, we rely on the following procedures:

  • Child pulling his/her card from the attendance box at Junior Congregation or Friday evening services at PBJC.
  • Parent notifying the Religious School office of child's attendance at other Friday or Saturday mornbing services (at PBJC or outside).

The Religious School will be able to track attendance at all other events taking place in the Synagogue.




10:30 AM – 12:00 PM



Sun, September 15 2024 12 Elul 5784