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PBJC ECC 2024-2025 Enrollment Application
Please verify reCaptcha before submitting the form.
Child's First Name:
Child's Last Name:
Date of Birth:
Parent/Guardian 1 First Name:
Parent/Guardian 1 Last Name:
Parent/Guardian 1 Home Phone Number:
Parent/Guardian 1 Mobile Phone Number:
Parent/Guardian 1 Email Address:
Parent/Guardian 2 First Name:
Parent/Guardian 2 Last Name:
Parent/Guardian 2 Home Phone Number:
Parent/Guardian 2 Mobile Phone Number:
Parent/Guardian 2 Email Address:
Home Address:
Tuition fees for Preschool will be billed in ten (10) equal monthly payments.
Giggle Zone Tuition Fees are Month-to-Month.
PBJC Day Camp will be billed in full prior to the start of camp.
Please note the following:
*Any discounts (sibling, member, or payment in full) will be reflected in the fourth quarter, monthly payments.
*The Honorary synagogue membership is only applied if the member remains in good standing throughout the year.
*A sibling discount of $100 will be given to all families with more than one (1) child enrolled in the program.
*All food during the week of Passover must be provided by the ECC Families and must be dairy, Kosher for Passover, and Nut Free.
*Any family wishing to pay their tuition in full at the time of billing (June 2024) will receive a 2.5% discount.
*Tuition includes special programs, field trips, and daily snacks. After school enrichment is included in Full-Time Preschool Tracks.
School/Giggle Zone expenses continue whether or not a child is in full attendance. Refunds will
be made for absences or temporary withdrawls. Withdrawls will only be accepted in cases in which the child has failed to make a satisfactory adjustment to school, and only after a conference with and the mutual consent of the Directors has taken place. In the event that a family must relocate, 30 days' notice is required and financial obligation will end at the end of the 30 days. In all other instances, financial obligation will continue for the 10 months of the school year. Our camp program will also be billed monthly over two (2) cycles in June and July.
*A copy of an original birth certificate MUST accompany registration for any NEW CHILD registering for classes
*Minimum enrollment required to run any class/program
Bonus: All families that have a child who is registered in PBJC Preschool for the 2023-24 school year will receive Honorary Synagogue Membership during the school year. Please note, once families enroll any of their children in PBJC Religious School's Aleph class (3rd grade or older), they will need to convert to the regular paying Family Membership category.
Extenuating Circumstances: Should a family who has a child enrolled in either PBCJ Preschool or the Giggle Zone require emergency additional hours in the Giggle Zone due to extenuating circumstances, please contact Lisa Lerman or Jill Buckler at (973) 244-9800 x212 or
(Optional) You may upload a copy of your child's birth certificate here. This is required for all new children registering for preschool. You can alternatively provide a printed copy to the ECC Directors.
Virtual Signature. By writing my name below, I acknowledge that I have read all of the information on this registration form and agree to the terms and conditions herein.
I would like to enroll my child for the following program (please select one). Note that amounts indicated are monthly rates with and without the discount for signing up by 4/15/24):
Please Select One
Intro - Semester I: Core Class: Transition and Separation (18 months by 10/1/24) - 3 mornings (9:15-12:15, Tues. Thurs. & Fri.) - $495/$470
Intro - Semester II: Core Class: Step-Up Program (18 months by 1/1/25) - 3 mornings (9:15-12:15, Tues. Thurs. & Fri.) - $495/$470
2 Year Olds (2 years by 10/1/24) - 3 Half Day Mornings (9:00-12:15, Tues. Thurs. & Fri.) - $615/$600
2 Year Olds (2 years by 10/1/24) - 5 Half Day Mornings (9:00-12:15, Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. & Fri.) - $960/$930
3 Year Olds (3 years by 10/1/24) - 4 Full Days (9:00-2:15, Mon. Tues. Thurs. & Fri.) - $995/$970
3 Year Olds (3 years by 10/1/24) - 5 Full Days (9:00-2:15, Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. & Fri.)* - $1,110/$1,080
4 Year Olds (4 years by 10/1/24) - 5 Full Days (9:00-2:15, Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. & Fri.) - $1,125/$1,095
Full-time Preschool Track (Monday-Friday: 7:30am-6:00pm) - Giggle Zone Full Day Care** - $1,825/$1,710
Full-time Preschool Track (Monday-Friday: 7:30am-6:00pm) - Intro and 2's - 3 Days per week** - $1,895/$1,785
Full-time Preschool Track (Monday-Friday: 7:30am-6:00pm) - 3's - 4 Days per week** - $1,945/$1,820
Full-time Preschool Track (Monday-Friday: 7:30am-6:00pm) - 2's. 3's and 4's - 5 Days per week** - $1,965/$1,860
*The 5 Full Day Preschool Programs will only operate with either a minimum of 4 enrolled children in this core program or at the discretion of the ECC Co-Directors.
**Full-time track tuition includes a core class from above, enrollment into the Giggle Zone for early care and after school care until 6:00pm, and vacation day enrollment.
***Sign-up by April 15, 2024 and receive discounted tuition rates for the 2024-25 school year***
[OPTIONAL] Giggle Zone Tuition (other than Full-time Preschool Track above) is offered on a Monthly Basis and options below can be adjusted monthly. Please indicate which option(s) you would be interested in. Note that you can make adjustments to your choice below through June 1st when the first tuition payment is due. However, indicating your choice below helps us for staffing and planning purposes. Please select all that apply.
GIGGLE ZONE EARLY CARE - For GZ, Intro, 2's, 3's, and 4's (7:30 AM - 9:15 AM): 3 Days per week - $250
GIGGLE ZONE EARLY CARE - For GZ, Intro, 2's, 3's, and 4's (7:30 AM - 9:15 AM): 4 Days per week - $305
GIGGLE ZONE EARLY CARE - For GZ, Intro, 2's, 3's, and 4's (7:30 AM - 9:15 AM): 5 Days per week - $360
GIGGLE ZONE AFTER CARE - For Intro and 2's (12:15 PM - 2:15 PM): 3 Days per week - $260
GIGGLE ZONE AFTER CARE - For Intro and 2's (12:15 PM - 2:15 PM): 4 Days per week - $315
GIGGLE ZONE AFTER CARE - For Intro and 2's (12:15 PM - 2:15 PM): 5 Days per week - $365
GIGGLE ZONE LATE CARE - For Intro, 2's, 3's. and 4's (2:15 PM - 6:00 PM): 3 Days per week - $490
GIGGLE ZONE LATE CARE - For Intro, 2's, 3's. and 4's (2:15 PM - 6:00 PM): 4 Days per week - $550
GIGGLE ZONE LATE CARE - For Intro, 2's, 3's. and 4's (2:15 PM - 6:00 PM): 5 Days per week - $605
GIGGLE ZONE FULL DAY CARE - 18+ Months (9:15 AM - 6:00 PM): 3 Days per week - $1,060
GIGGLE ZONE FULL DAY CARE - 18+ Months (9:15 AM - 6:00 PM): 4 Days per week - $1,205
GIGGLE ZONE FULL DAY CARE - 18+ Months (9:15 AM - 6:00 PM): 5 Days per week - $1,350
If you selected options for 3 or 4 days above for Giggle Zone, please indicate which days:
Registration Fee: Please enroll my child for the 2024-2025 school year. I agree to pay a $500 deposit at the time of registration, $200 of which is non-refundable, $300 of which will go toward tuition. Check Here to pay the $500 deposit upon submission of this form.
Registration Fee: Please enroll my child for the 2024-2025 school year. I agree to pay a $500 deposit at the time of registration, $200 of which is non-refundable, $300 of which will go toward tuition. Check Here to pay the $500 deposit upon submission of this form.
2024-2025 ECC Deposit/Registration Payment
Sun, September 15 2024
12 Elul 5784
Today's Calendar
Religious School
: 9:00am
Friday Night
Candle Lighting
: 6:39pm
Friday Night Shabbat Services
: 8:00pm
Shabbat Day
Levi Robbins Bar Mitzvah
Preliminary Prayers
: 9:30am
Shabbat Services
: 9:45am
Upcoming Programs & Events
Religious School
Sunday, Sep 15 9:00am
ECC Lunch Program Begins
Monday, Sep 16
ECC Graffiti Day (drawing w/ chalk outside)
Tuesday, Sep 17
Religious School
Tuesday, Sep 17 4:00pm
RS Enrichment & Make-Up Session
Thursday, Sep 19 4:00pm
This week's Torah portion is
Parshat Ki Tavo
Shabbat, Sep 21
Candle Lighting
Friday, Sep 20, 6:39pm
Erev Rosh Hashana
Wednesday, Oct 2
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Sun, September 15 2024 12 Elul 5784